Why Now?
Part IV
Financial Means
Ok, let me start by saying I am NOT wealthy. I've had some excellent jobs with great salaries, but I was also the sole wage earner for my first marriage of 24 years and raised four kids, and meeting ALL the needs of six people took all the money I could ever earn. I've also been divorced three times, have done my part to put four kids through college and have lived a lifestyle commensurate with making good money (eating out, new cars, big ol' house, etc.).
That said, by my calculations I have saved up enough over the last few years to last at least a year...as long as I downsize to having no debt at all. Thus, the following ideas/moves were born:
- Sold my Harley: one debt gone
- Selling my home: another, major, debt gone. To replace it, I am going to either build a Tiny House to replace it (currently trying to do that for $20k...we'll see!) OR buy a small travel trailer (around $10k).
- Selling my car: one debt gone as I plan to by a used truck capable of towing my Tiny House.
- Selling ALL my furniture: I won't be able to fit any of my current furniture in my Tiny House so it can go.
- Selling almost all my other household furnishings: Why would I need a patio table and chairs in a Tiny House? Or an air compressor?
My motto: Get Rid!
No human being has ever sat at this table for any reason. Is that not idiotic?
Now, admittedly, the scariest part now is the idea of using some of my "I could live for a year" cash reserves on a Tiny House and truck to pull it. My other option is to keep my current car, make the payments and just buy a small trailer. The benefit of that is that if I don't like this minimalist/downsized life, I've not put a ton of cash into it...just enough for the trailer. And, if I did decide to simply go back to a regular ol' life I could sell the trailer and probably not take too much of a loss.
So, readers, I'd love any opinions any of you have on THAT dilemma!
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